1x Mullard EF86 Long Mesh Plates 15° Square D Getter Philips Label Blackburn'59

1x Mullard EF86 Long Mesh Plates 15° Square D Getter Philips Label Blackburn'59
1x Mullard EF86 Long Mesh Plates 15° Square D Getter Philips Label Blackburn'59
1x Mullard EF86 Long Mesh Plates 15° Square D Getter Philips Label Blackburn'59
1x Mullard EF86 Long Mesh Plates 15° Square D Getter Philips Label Blackburn'59
1x Mullard EF86 Long Mesh Plates 15° Square D Getter Philips Label Blackburn'59
1x Mullard EF86 Long Mesh Plates 15° Square D Getter Philips Label Blackburn'59
1x Mullard EF86 Long Mesh Plates 15° Square D Getter Philips Label Blackburn'59
1x Mullard EF86 Long Mesh Plates 15° Square D Getter Philips Label Blackburn'59
1x Mullard EF86 Long Mesh Plates 15° Square D Getter Philips Label Blackburn'59

1x Mullard EF86 Long Mesh Plates 15° Square D Getter Philips Label Blackburn'59
Model: Mullard EF86 6267 (Made in United Kingdom). Lush and warm vintage tone, intimate vocals, wide sound stage with layered details. B 9C (B = Blackburn, 9 = 1959, C = March). GM (Mutual Conductance) test result : 66% NOS.

Packaging : NEW white tube boxes. This set was tested and certified by RoeTest V11 tester with the following result. Measured transconductance (GM): 1.31 mA/V - 66% (100% = 2.0 mA/V). Measured plate current (IA): 2.29 mA - 76% (100% = 3.0 mA).

NO shorts, leakage or gas. Curve trace is also included in the original RoeTest report.

1x Mullard EF86 Long Mesh Plates 15° Square D Getter Philips Label Blackburn'59